
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Living Naturally

I want to be natural. I am going natural. In different contexts these statements can mean very different things. I embrace both. I grow veggies in the summer, buy organic food for Baby, and try to eat minimally processed food as much as possible. I have also decided to no longer chemically alter my hair – thus, going natural.

It’s not the first time that I’ve made this decision, a couple of years ago I attempted to break free from the 8 week cycle of processing but gave up when it took 2 hours to comb and I didn’t know how to manage my actual hair.

So here I go at round 2, the last processed hold out among my friends and family and I’m ready to take the leap mostly for my little girl. I’m not going to process her hair and don’t want her to think that kinky/curly hair has something wrong with it that needs to be fixed. When I was a kid everyone I knew had chemically straightened hair – except me. I was so jealous of the easy time they had while I struggled for hours never satisfied with the results. I realize now that I didn’t have the tools or information about how to best manage my hair and I don’t want Baby to suffer through the same frustrations.

This time I have resources, information, and tools that I didn’t have before. I also have a hair style and a plan for growing my hair out and cutting (the BIG CHOP!) off the processed part.

Here are a few websites that have been passed on to me that I found helpful:

So I will keep you updated on my progress. So far there is nothing to report. I had my last touch-up early September, so that would make me almost 6 months out. I’m styling my hair in a twist out and using the tightly curly method. So far so good…

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