
Thursday, February 3, 2011

The New Normal

It’s true that you forget the pain of child birth after about a year. You also seem to forget the pain of recovery and the sleep deprivation. Was it this bad last time? I suppose the answer is yes and no. I did have to deal with a newborn and all the fun stuff that goes along with that but now I have the added pleasure of a toddler and all the fun stuff that goes along with that. No sleep at night and no sleep during the day. Yay! (sarcastic enthusiasm)

This is what all the moms of more than one were talking about, Mommy boot camp. I had a moment last month when hubby was out of town. A didn’t want to sleep and E didn’t want to sleep and it was 2 am. At one point they were both crying and I was totally overwhelmed and also started to cry. A stopped crying and began rubbing my leg saying “it’s okay Momma, it’s okay.” My cousin informed me that, at the point you are comforted by your toddler you have officially been inducted to the world of mommy hood. I guess I’ve arrived.

I wonder when I will go from surviving to living and enjoying life. I hit an all-time low yesterday. A friend brought dinner for me (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!). I knew she was coming all day and still made no effort to change out of my pajamas and what’s worse (in my opinion) my house was a mess and I still invited her in. I mean food on the floor, old dishes in the sink, toys everywhere mess. I have no shame. Hell I’m tired all the time. I don’t feel like cleaning up. My garbage can has been on the curb for 4 days now and I don’t care. I don’t feel like doing A’s hair and I don’t feel like brushing my teeth. I’m going to have a fun time explaining that last one to my dentist in a couple of weeks. I was able to sneak a shower yesterday and couldn’t believe my luck. This isn’t living.

I know it will get better, but that doesn’t make it any easier for me right now. Or maybe that is the attitude that is messing me up. Maybe it won’t get easier; maybe (hopefully) I will get better at managing our time.


  1. This is exactly what I went through with my first child... no time to eat or shower... but like you said, life did get better as she grew and now she's 6! Goes to bed almost all by herself and is more or less independent. Heh, now she even helps with the baby (or at least wants to).

    It gets better, most definitely, my dear. :)

  2. Aw! A is such a darling. As the mother of none I admit I have no idea what you are going through, but I can imagine it's rough. Your two are so lucky to have such a devoted mommy & you are lucky to have them. It'll get better! xo
